Privacy Protection
Dear user, welcome to the FinRobo Advisor Securities Investment Consulting website. To ensure your confidence in using the various services provided on this website and to allow the website to record and utilize your personal information as necessary, we would like to explain to you the privacy protection policy of our website.
Policy for the Collection and Use of Personal Information:
In general, users do not need to enter any personal information when browsing the information on this website unless explicitly specified. For instance, when you apply for online account opening, engage in online transactions, or participate in online activities or surveys on this website, we may ask you to provide necessary information such as your name, ID number, phone number, email, address, and any other relevant required information.
In addition, we will retain relevant records generated by the server when you browse or query online, including the IP address of the connecting device you use, usage time, browser used, browsing and click data records, etc. However, these data are only used for overall analysis such as traffic analysis and online behavior surveys to improve the service quality of the website. We will not correspond with you or associate these records with any specific individual.
At the same time, other websites linked to this website have their own privacy protection policies. Regardless of their content, privacy policies or data processing measures, these linked websites do not apply to the privacy protection policy of this website and have nothing to do with this website.
Policy for Sharing Personal Information with Third Parties:
To provide you with other services or benefits, when it is necessary to share your data with the third parties that provide such services or benefits, this website will provide sufficient explanations during the activity and notify you prior to data collection. You are free to choose whether to accept such specific services or benefits.
Moreover, this website will never arbitrarily sell, exchange, or rent any of your personal information to other groups or individuals. However, in cases where judicial authorities request the disclosure of specific personal information based on public safety, this is not subject to the aforementioned limitation. Additionally, this website will comply with the legal and formal procedures of judicial authorities and may take necessary measures to safeguard the security of all website users.
Inquiry and Correction Methods:
If there are user personal information changes or if personal information is found to be incorrect, users can notify the website at any time to request corrections, including requests to stop sending related messages, etc.
Policy for Transmitting Commercial Information or Emails:
This website will send you commercial information or emails after obtaining your consent in advance or after you complete the online account opening process. The website will explicitly indicate that the information or emails are sent by us and provide methods, instructions, or functional links to stop receiving such information or emails at any time.